Category Archives: Test

Welcome to Renova Always Sparkle Wellness!  

Allowing Your Body to Renew Itself From the Inside Out!

Learn to Sparkle again after any Trauma 

Renova CranioSacral Therapy, Health Counseling, Restorative Yoga, Therapeutic Massage, Skeletal Realignment, Renova Roll Relaxation Technique, Always Sparkle Wellness Retreats 

                 Kelly Jocelyn Kreis, RN, LMT, RYT, CST

Overview & About KJK


Five Pointed Star after teaching Restorative yoga…yes I believe my shirt to be true, cheshire cat knows too much!

Follow my blog about CranioSacral Therapy, Central Nervous System Overactivity, Mental Health and Psychological Issues, Medications, Physical and Emotional Trauma in the CNS and cells.

Manage what we have going on.  

How to Move this Trauma Out of Our Bodies and back in to the Universal Energy, allowing us to live the most balanced life possible both mentally and physically, regardless of  what we are going through in life.

Always Sparkle, Sparkle More, Don’t let anyone or thing dull your shine!  Follow my blog for more information on CNS dysfunction, medical mysteries, and my own medical journey.

Trauma, either physical or emotional, can get “trapped” in our bodies on a cellular level. We may not even know it is present until it starts to cause dysfunction and issues within our bodies and starts to disrupt our lifestyles.  CranioSacral Therapy is a way to help get to the bottom of these issues and “re-boot” our Central Nervous System, which in turn controls everything…..allowing our body to function at its best and return to a better level of homeostasis.  CST addresses the CNS, so it is like a massage for our nerves as well as repositioning of soft tissue and bones, using the CerebroSpinal Fluid rhythm and the bones as “tools”.

CSF is the fluid that flows between 2 of the 3 the meningeal layers that protect the brain and spinal cord (the blood brain barrier), provides buoyancy protection for brain and spinal cord, and is the only fluid in with our CNS. CSF is a filtrate of the blood and cycles through the CNS a few times, bringing nutrients and removing toxins, and is then recycled back to blood and toxins are filtered out through the kidneys.  If there is a blockage and the CSF can not get to that area of the CNS there can be problems because that area is not getting wast products taken out and nutrients brought in.  These issues can range from musculoskeletal/neurological dysfunctions to more serious rheumatological, oncological, psychological, pain, and sleep problems.

My treatments consist of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Structural Realignment and Crystal’s to help enhance the cellular movement of the energies within us. This restores the body to it’s best functioning state, allowing for optimal repair of the cells on both a physical and energetic level.  The physical and emotional or mind/body trauma that one takes on through life, can get “stuck” in the cells, like a “muscle memory” of the trauma and your body will continuously remind your mind of that….whether you are aware of it or not.  CranioSacral Therapy brings this awareness to you you and corrects the imbalance you may be having.  Through a course of treatments and exercises you will be feeling better and then just come for “tune ups” (when you are not feeling like “good” you) This restores the body to it’s best functioning state, where it can repair and restore itself of any physical and emotional trauma’s.  

 Trauma, either physical or emotional, can get “trapped” in our bodies on a cellular level. We may not even know it is present until it starts to cause dysfunction and issues within our bodies and starts to disrupt our lifestyles.  CranioSacral Therapy is a way to help get to the bottom of these issues and “re-boot” our Central Nervous System, which in turn controls everything. Allowing our body to function at its best and return to a better level of homeostasis.  CST addresses the CNS, so it is like a massage for our nerves as well as repositioning of soft tissue and bones, using the CerebroSpinal Fluid rhythm and the bones as “levers or tools”. The Central Nervous System is composed of our brain, spinal cord, meningeal layers and the CSF.

            CSF is the fluid that flows between 2 of the 3 the meningeal layers that protect the brain and spinal cord (the blood brain barrier), provides buoyancy protection for brain and spinal cord, and is the only fluid in with our CNS. CSF is a filtrate of the blood and cycles through the CNS a few times, bringing nutrients and removing toxins, and is then recycled back to blood and toxins are filtered out through the kidneys.  If there is a blockage and the CSF can not get to that area of the CNS there can be problems because that area is not getting wast products taken out and nutrients brought in.  These issues can range from musculoskeletal/neurological dysfunctions to more serious rheumatological, oncological, psychological, pain, and sleep problems.

            When Restorative Yoga and Structural Alignment techniques, Pranyama (breathing), and mindfulness are added to CST the results are unbelievable.  CST brings down overall body inflammation, which causes pain. Since there is a decrease in pain, this increases people’s ability to move and feel better.   Helping to restore the sleep cycle into Restorative sleep not just Stage 1,2 a little of Restorative and REM allows for the body to return to homeostasis, handle stressors better, decrease pain, and allows the being living in the body to have a better quality of life.  Breathing, mindfulness, taking time for ourselves are the perfect balance for what our bodies have been through already, what everyday life brings, and embracing our futures and what is to come.


 Patients have ranged in age from a few days old to late 90’s! Some patients also included dogs, cats, horses and boar/pig at a friends barn.  If there is a Dural Membrane and Cerebrospinal Fluid I will try to help any being that needs healing using Biodynamic CranioSacral and Energy modalities.

At Renova Always Sparkle Wellness,   physical and emotional pain or imbalances are addressed through CranioSacral Therapy, therapeutic massage, Chakra balancing, Yoga, and many other modalities.  Pain and discomfort can be resolved through the rebalancing of the mind, body and spirit.  This enhances overall well-being and allows the healing process to begin. Our practice is based on the mind, body, and spirit connection. The word “Renova” in Spanish means “renew” or “renewal of ones self”,  we strongly believe in the ability of the individual to heal from within.  

Renova offers a $20 discount towards the first appointment of CST to all Military Personnel and Veterans…come in and experience this amazing renewal of your nervous system.  If you can’t afford treatment for your child, yourself, your spouse or some one you know that would benefit from the therapy, please call or email me and let me know your situation….I can talk about a sliding scale depending on the situation.  

My practice now focuses on CranioSacral Therapy and Restorative Yoga…they are great for psych/emotional imbalances, overactivity of the Central Nervous System, and Pain Management.  I also offer other modalities of massage therapy including Deep Tissue/Connective Tissue Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Swedish, Shiatsu, Acupressure, Energy Balancing Modalities using Meridians and Chakras, Aromatherapy, Bhakti Restorative Yoga, and Renova Roll Relaxation Technique.  Self help and at home care is always given and encouraged to let the patient continue to heal at home.

Who is massage therapy for?

 Massage Therapy is for everyone.  There are so many different Therapies that we use at Renova that there is something we can do.  Craniosacral Therapy and Energy Modalities are light touch and can be performed to anyone.  Aromatherapy uses the scent of essential oils to help restore the body, or they can be applied to the skin.  Elderly and Children respond very well to the different uses of essential oils, especially when mixed with water in a spray bottle that can be inhaled like medicine and sprayed around anywhere anytime.  Crystals also are used during many of treatments to help enhance the overall energy vibration and allow the healing to flow.